Friday, July 16, 2010

Safe Arrival

It's amazing what how much more comfortable brushing your teeth can make you. After crossing the ocean quite a few times and really hating the endless plane ride, I decided to prepare as best as I could and, drum roll please, I was so much more comfortable! Even though I have only gotten about 8 hours of sleep in the last 2 days, I am not hating life right now. In fact, this has to be one of the easiest transitions I think I have ever had. So, needless to say, I made it safely to Romania.
It is still a little surreal to be here. I am sitting on the same bed that I slept in for 3 months almost 2 years ago. The entire apartment still smells the same even though the furniture is all rearranged and it is much cleaner than before. I keep thinking to myself... in about 3 days I get to see my kids. I can just picture Adriana sitting in her chair when we walk in the room. She will probably start biting her hand she will be so excited. I brought baby lotion to give the kids hand massages and and just can't wait for all the hugs and the cries of 'papusa' that I will get when I see the rest of the girls. And David. As far as I know, he is still there and still alive, he is such a little trooper.
Well, my eyes are already heavy, so these briefs thoughts and updates will have to be enough. Good night. or Buna Seara!

1 comment:

Kimmi said...

I'm so glad to hear you're there! I'm praying for you.That you would be safe and sensitive to the Lord's voice. What an amazing thing that He has you doing there, encouraging the kids and reaching across cultures to spread His love!